After realizing that there was an uninvited quest present in my very own kitchen. I began to ponder death thoughts and ways to exterminate this unwanted, ungodly thorn in the side type of creature. Making a long story short the Ratex pills that you spread behind the furniture proved very helpful indeed. It was no longer than a few days and this creature to ugly for words stumbled out from behind the fridge, looking bloated 3 times its size and running "well trying to run" like it had a few beers, couple shots, and maybe one or two rat size spiked punch glasses. It took hardly any effort to put the confused, bloated, sick lad to sleep! The friendly little dead guy was then strung up on the tent zipper of a fellow tent stayer as a nasty little prank. If you would like to hear more of that side of the story you will just have to go to Salena's sight by clicking on the title of this page (RATEX VISITS THE BUSH). Peace for now!
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