Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I had a wonderful time in the bush sharing Christmas with friends, we did the best we could and made it as nice as the bush would allow, no it is not like being home and yes I do miss everyone and all the crazy feasting that takes place. If all of you came out here for the holiday we could have a good old fashion party!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying the holiday. My bestest wishes to you on the upcoming New Year. Keep me in your prayers as I continue to work on the house project. Blessings and Peace!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Wishing the best Christmas to everyone!

We have been working flat out in the midst of some serious heat, some days reaching as high as 104 Fahrenheit with a humidity that makes you want to die and go to heaven. Although the house is my priority and main focus I have been really enjoying the time back here. hanging out with friends i made the year before, teaching in the Bible school for the pastors, going along with the orphans for a day of fun in town, and of course relaxing a bit now that the holiday is here! I pray and wish you all a wonderful holiday season and may God grant you your deepest desires for the New Year! Peace your bush friend!

Saturday, December 16, 2006


As you can see the house is going slow but sure. the magarity of this week was spent organizing and ordering wood, windows and roof tin. A lot of these things can take a long time to get delivered to the bush location. It is not like going to Home Depot and that same day or the next you have it at your door step. Although I would have to say there is lot of good things that go with a slower paced culture. Like for example relationship are way more important than work or getting things done, and in the end I think friends are way more rewarding than things. That is my thoughts on this week. So join me next week for another update from the bush. Peace

Saturday, December 09, 2006


The progress continues here in the bush. we been having some very hot days or maybe it is just that I am not use to it yet, none the less it is a hot part of the world. We have been dreaming and crying for a swimming pool to jump into. It would be a touch of heaven on earth! OOO YA!
Check out the progress of the house. We poured the foundation on Tuesday and are hoping by the end of next week to pour the floor. Building a house in the bush is nothing like building a house in America, can I just stress the "nothing like" hahahaha. Thank God it is moving and I have so many things to be thankfull for. Keep this place in your prayers. Until next time be blessed.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Sorry about the delay in updates, the internet in the bush is bush quality at its best. Things are going good, I do feel like I am getting a little more use to the heat again, although the first week I thought I may just pass out.

It is great to be back and even greater starting to build my house. I can not wait to have my own place to rest at night, It will be a great blessing to be able to settle in a bit more.

Here is just a few pictures of me a some good hard working guys that are helping to clear about a 22 by 26 area for my house. Keep me in your prayers as I adjust back to the climate and surroundings of Mozambique.